Deferring your studies – Leave of Absence (LOA)

Updated: 2023/03/20
Article #: 190

To submit a deferral request:  

  1. Go to the Student Portal. 
  2. Select the ‘Forms’ tile.  
  3. Search for ‘Leave of Absence’ form  
  4. The options will be for a 6- or a 12-month period. 
  5. Complete the form and submit 
  6. Your request will be processed, and you will receive a confirmation when this is complete. 
  7. All correspondence will go to your e-web address.  
  8. Policy Reference Point  


  • If you are halfway through the teaching period, it is recommended to complete the subjects you are in as deferral will only start at the end of current subjects and / or if after census WF will apply (Withdraw Fail and academic and financial penalty). 
  • You can leave of absence (LOA) your course for up to a maximum of 12 months (6 or 12 months). At the end of the deferral time, you will re-enter the course at the same point at which you deferred and into the same subject or its equivalent being offered by the College. 
  • The deferral time will not extend the end date of your course and you must complete within the maximum length of enrolment time which varies depending on the qualification you are studying. 
  • With LOA (Leave of Absence) you will have limited access to your LMS, or Student Portal and you will need to contact Student Success /Student Services to be reactivated. 

Need Support 

  • Book a consultation via the LMS > Help> Consultations > Success    
  • Submit a ticket via the Help Hub. 

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