Finding Available Subjects

Updated: 2023/03/20
Article #: 188

To find available subjects and intakes, and ensure that you maintain good academic progression, it is recommended to: 

  1. Follow the Course Structure.  
  2. Check out the schedules and calendars here. 
  3. Join us for regular course progression webinars advertised on the website. 
  4. Book a progression consultation with the success team via the LMS > Help > Consultations > Student Success Consultations.  
  5. Note that the consultation times listed are set to your local time zone. Please check you have set your time zone on the LMS: Profile (top right corner) > Preferences > Edit Profile > Time zone. 
  6. All of the above will support you to make an informed decision about which subjects you should be taking and in what order and help you plan, manage and balance you studies to success and completion.  

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