Enrolling into Subjects on the student Portal

Updated: 2023/03/20
Article #: 173

To enrol into subjects on the Student Portal: 

  1. Go to the Student Portal. 
  2. Go to the ‘My Study’ tile.  
  3. Click on the ‘Plan and Enrol’ button at the top of the screen. 
  4. Refer to the Student Systems Hub for a Video.  

From here you can now:  

  1. Schedule subjects from the ‘Unscheduled’ column on the left. 
  2. Click the Schedule button next to the subject.  
  3. In the pop up, choose a year and a study period.  
  4. The subject should appear in the planner. 

Or you can also enroll by:  

  1. Click ‘Plan a Study Period’ at the top of the page.   
  2. In the pop up, select the year and study period you wish to enroll in. 
  3.  The study period should appear in the planner.  
  4. Next, you can drag and drop the unscheduled subjects from the left into the study period.  
  5. You may need to check which subjects are available in which study periods. 
  6. Finally, you will need to click the ‘Enrol’ button at the top of the study period.  
  7. Refer to the Student Systems Hub for a Video. 

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